Principal's Message

Welcome to the College and Career Technical Institute’s webpage! As we move forward in the 21st century we are constantly changing the face of Career Technical Education. Please take time and look through our extensive listing of course offerings.
I am honored to serve as CTE Director at the College and Career Technical Institute and for the Pascagoula - Gautier School District. The PGSD has a strong history of success and I am excited to have the opportunity to continue that tradition and make the CCTI the number one CTE center in the State of Mississippi. We currently have the most course offerings on any center in the state for our students.
Passion, Purpose, Paycheck! We start as early as PreK - 4 building career readiness for our students. That becomes more prevalent in Middle School with Keystone/Major Clarity in 7th grade and Cyber Foundations/Pathways to Possibilities in 8th grade and into 9th grade Freshman Seminar/You Science. Establishing this culture is paramount to the success of our students, not only in high school, but after graduation whether that is military, career or college. This leads to our CTE programs in 10th and 11th grade then our extensive Business/Industry Internship Pre-Apprenticeship & Apprenticeship Opportunities in the 12th grade for students to get a real world experience in their career of choice. We currently have 3 official Apprenticeships with the US Department of Labor and several Pre-Apprenticeship programs. With the push from the Federal Government and State of Mississippi for students to graduate college and career ready, we are and want to remain at the forefront of this movement.
Again, welcome to the College and Career Technical Institute! I would like to invite you to come visit us and see for yourself why we are considered one of the best CTE Centers in Mississippi. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance to you or to arrange a tour. Thank you for your continued support, please let us know how we can better serve our students and our community.
Thank you,
Derek C Read
Director CTE & Dean of Workforce Education